Frequently asked questions

Here are some of our answers to some of the most common questions about lard and lard specialties. Haven’t found the answer you are looking for? Please contact us, and we will make sure you get the information you need.


  • Federal Institute for Grain, Potatoes and Fat Research, Münster
  • Knowledge Forum Baking Goods
  • Information Centre for Baking Improvers and Ingredients to the Production of Bread and Fine Baking Goods, Berlin
  • LARU Laboratory for Research and Development, Bottrop
  • Margarine Institute for Healthy Nutrition, Bonn

LARU: a synonym for lard

Heritage flavors, 21st century methods
Here at LARU, Germany’s only nation-wide producer of pork and goose fat, we are dedicated to making the best lard possible. We combine the rich heritage of the old days with the best and most efficient production methods of the 21ste century. 

If you want to know more about what our company can offer you, feel free to get in touch.